Heroes Ripped To Shreds Extreme Dietary Supplement

Heroes is proud to present it’s brand new and very powerful Ripped To Shreds extreme dietary supplement.

It is packed full of powerful active ingredients to accompany a calorie controlled food plant and fitness regime.

The capsules are vegan friendly and not made from gelatine 🙂

The list of ingredients are as follows:

Per 2 Capsules 60 serving per container

Caffeine 200mg

Cayenne Pepper 200mg

Garcinia Cambogia 150mg

Green tea Extract 120mg

Dandelion Extract 100mg

L-theanine 25mg

Green Coffee 10mg

Recommended Use

Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach first thing in the morning with 300ml water and 2 capsules 30 minutes before lunch with 300ml water.

Keeping hydrated is very important when on caffeine supplements and calorie controlled diets and intense fitness programs.


Spencer Jackson